We’re here to keep you updated on important news in eye care and share helpful tips to maintain healthy vision. Whether it’s advice on protecting your eyes or updates on new treatments and products, our blogs offer useful information to support your eye health.
How Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Can Help With Dry Eye
Take Dry Eye Quiz If you suffer from temporary or chronic dry eye, you’re probably tired of the irritating and annoying symptoms that come with it. If this sounds like you, perhaps you’ve researched treatment options. The good news is, there are many different types of dry eye therapy. You may...
Understanding Eye Insurance: FAQs and Everything You Need to Know
According to the World Health Organization, every one of us can expect to experience an eye condition at some point in our lives. With more than 2 billion people in the world in need of vision correction-a number growing by the day-the importance of regular eye exams cannot be overstated....
Nausea, Vertigo & Migraine Headaches: Is Eye Strain the Cause?
Eye strain can be challenging to manage. Its uncomfortable symptoms can disrupt your productivity and cause other issues. The first step to getting to the bottom of your eye strain issues is to visit your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. But what are some of the other issues related to eye strain?...
When is it Too Late to Treat Lazy Eye?
Lazy eye, otherwise known as amblyopia, is a condition that affects approximately 3% of the children population of America. It occurs when the brain fails to recognize the images transmitted from one eye, leading to poor vision or loss of visual acuity in that eye. Contrary to popular belief, lazy eye is not...
What Are Toric Lenses?
At one point, when contact lenses were first gaining popularity as an alternative to wearing glasses, the options were limited. However, as science and technology improve, there are now many different special contact lenses available. Toric lenses are one such special lens available for those who have astigmatism. These lenses are available...
How to Fix a Broken Glasses Arm
Picture this. The sun is out, and you’re taking a trip to the park with your family. Suddenly, a “trip” becomes all too literal as a family member gets their foot caught on uneven pavement. They’re fine, even if their knee is a little banged up. Unfortunately, the same can’t...
Can you get Pink Eye from a Fart? What Actually Causes Conjunctivitis?
We’ve heard the question asked countless times: “can you get pink eye from a fart?” Farting on a pillowcase causing pink eye is a widespread myth in schoolyards and popular culture. The simple answer is no; farts don’t cause pink eye. But there’s more to it when it comes to conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation...
Does Screen Time Cause Myopia?
In the digital age, screens are an essential part of daily life. From the smartphones we check in the morning to the computers we stare at for work or study, screen time is pervasive. As our lives become increasingly digital, concerns about eye health, specifically myopia, have emerged. This begs...
Does Castor Oil Remove Age Spots?
Castor oil provides many benefits for nourishing hair and skin, but it is not an effective treatment for age spot removal. Treatments like IPL laser therapy performed by a professional can help lighten the appearance of age spots. Our sister company, Retuva Medical Spa, offers several aesthetic treatments for dry...
Is Hyaluronic Acid Good for Rosacea?
Navigating the skincare aisle can be as perplexing as decoding a cryptic crossword. For those with rosacea, it’s even trickier. Enter hyaluronic acid (HA)—the hydrating hero you’ve probably heard whispers about at your local skincare haunt. Dermatologists often recommend HA to treat rosacea because it can provide moisture for parched...
What You Need to Know About Eyelid Mites
Do you ever feel a persistent itching or irritation around your eyes despite maintaining good hygiene? If so, you might be surprised to learn that tiny creatures called eyelid mites could be the culprit. While the mere thought of having mites on your eyelids might make your skin crawl, these...
Are Your Headaches Being Caused by Dry Eye?
You can experience a headache and have dry eye symptoms together. However, this doesn’t mean that your dry eye is causing your headaches. Dry eye and headaches may have the same trigger or underlying cause. A comprehensive eye exam performed by your eye doctor can help determine why you’re more...
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Dry?
Dry eyes can happen for numerous reasons. Your eyes may be dry due to an eye condition or an external source, such as chemical vapors, smoke, or cannabis. While cannabis is known to make your eyes red and dry, you may wonder if CBD, used by many for therapeutic reasons,...
Does Everyone Get Cataracts?
Cataracts, an eye disease characterized by the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, are a common occurrence as we grow older. Given enough time, most individuals will develop some degree of cataracts in their lifetime. However, the development and progression of cataracts depend on various risk factors, and not everyone...
Why Are My Eyes Dry When I Wake Up
Take Dry Eye Quiz A common morning occurrence for many individuals is dry eyes when waking up. If you’ve experienced the discomfort of dry eyes upon waking, you’re not alone. Dry eyes in the morning can result from nocturnal lagophthalmos, poor-quality tears, and inadequate tear production. When you visit your eye doctor...
Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness?
Take Dry Eye Quiz If you’ve experienced burning, gritty, or scratchy eyes, you may have dry eye disease. This is a common—and treatable—eye condition that can lead to blurry vision, discomfort, and redness in the eyes. But can it cause blindness? In extreme cases, dry eye disease can lead to...
5 Early Signs of Glaucoma
Glaucoma is the “silent thief of sight” because it can develop with minimal symptoms until vision loss occurs. While glaucoma can be dangerous, an early diagnosis can help protect your vision. Your optometrist can identify early signs of glaucoma when they examine your eyes, but can you identify any warning signs of glaucoma...
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
An average eye exam can take between 30 and 60 minutes, but the time needed for your appointment can vary based on several factors, such as your eye health, overall health, and whether you’re going in for a routine checkup or to address a specific concern. Your optometrist will perform...
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Red?
Cannabis is being legalized in many states, and the use of cannabidiol (CBD) products continues to rise in popularity. As a result, many people are curious about CBD’s potential effects on the body, including the eyes. A common cliché is that cannabis will give you distinctive red eyes. But is...
Can You Wear Contacts with Astigmatism?
Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to eyeglasses for many people. They can provide flexibility and freedom to engage in various physical activities. Some conditions, however, such as astigmatism, can make it harder to wear contact lenses. Astigmatism is a common eye condition that causes blurry vision due to an...
Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?
If you’re like many other people, you’ve likely experienced eyelid twitching at some point. An eyelid twitch resolves on its own in most cases. While the exact causes of eyelid twitching are unknown, some common factors that could be contributing include lack of sleep, stress, eye irritation, and excess caffeine...
Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition that can cause partial vision loss. The early symptoms are almost invisible, so regular eye exams are necessary. Some of the earliest detectable symptoms include difficulty seeing in low light, dullness of colors, and seeing blank spots in your vision. These symptoms become...
Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects may appear blurry, but close-up objects appear clear. Myopia is a common eye condition that typically starts in early childhood and may worsen as they grow older. Young children may not know how to express vision problems, especially if they’re unaware...
What Causes Dry Eye at Night?
Take Dry Eye Quiz Eyecare is essential, and that includes dealing with any issues that may cause discomfort and possibly even affect your vision. Dry eye disease is one of these eye care issues that can bring a great deal of discomfort and hamper productivity. Staying consistent with your annual...
6 Tips to Prevent Myopia From Worsening
No matter what stage of life you’re in—maintaining a consistent schedule with your optometrist is essential. Whether you’re going in for an eye exam to update your prescription or getting treatment for any eye conditions. Myopia is one of these eye conditions. But what is myopia? Let’s explore what myopia...
What Can A Comprehensive Eye Exam Detect?
Your optometrist conducts a thorough evaluation during your annual eye exam, but what can this examination help diagnose? There are many different conditions your eye doctor can detect. Let’s look at some of the most common. Continue reading to learn more about what a comprehensive eye exam can uncover. What...
Why You Really Should Replace Your Contacts Regularly
If you wear contact lenses, how regularly should you replace them? It can depend on the type of lenses you have, but proper maintenance and care can help protect your eyes. Over-worn contacts can lead to more than irritation, causing discomfort and swelling. If you have contacts, continue reading to...