Digital Eye Strain in Columbia & Eldon

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Digital Devices Can Cause Digital Eye Strain

Working late to type out that report, studying all day, or playing video games for an extended period can all put stress on your eyes. 

Digital devices are supposed to make life easier for us. We use them to order food, buy concert tickets, or connect with friends and family. But sometimes, they cause us pain. 

Digital eye strain is definitely a modern problem. And while we’re going to be living with digital devices for a while, you don’t have to live with digital eye strain. 

Please book an appointment at Family Focus Eyecare today to discuss your digital device use and see how it’s impacting your eyes.

What Is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital eye strain is also known as computer vision syndrome. It occurs when you spend too much time in front of a screen. Whether it’s an iPhone, tablet, gaming device, or desktop computer, screens have the potential to cause your eyes to strain.

Symptoms of digital eye strain include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Strained eyes
  • Back and neck pain
  • Headaches

Manage Digital Eye Strain

Usually, symptoms alleviate when you stop using your device. But, permanently quitting screen use is unlikely to happen—digital devices are a seemingly permanent part of our lives. 

But making some simple changes to your workstation and screen use habits can help your eyes stay comfortable. 

Look to Lighting

Glare can contribute digital eye strain. Reduce glare by positioning your screen away from outside light. Pull the drapes to decrease direct light, or purchase an anti-glare screen for your device.

Following proper workplace ergonomics can help reduce your risk for digital eye strain and other computer-related injuries.

Rest your feet flat on the floor while working on a computer. And position your screen at eye level so you aren’t looking up at it. Additionally, keep your keyboard and mouse within reach and you should face your screen directly, with no twisting or turning.

Squinting to see things can increase ocular discomfort. So, change your device’s settings so that the font is larger and more readable.

Taking frequent breaks helps you remember to blink. When using screens, many people blink less than they normally would. Blinking lubricates the eyes and prevents d associated with digital eye strain.

The 20-20-20 rule is simple. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

This quick break helps your eyes rest and refocus. It might also remind you to grab a glass of water—staying hydrated is important for eye health!

A regular, comprehensive eye exam can rule out more serious conditions with similar symptoms. Optometrists are well-informed about digital eye strain. If you come to an exam prepared to discuss your symptoms, workstation, and screen habits, your optometrist can make recommendations for relief.

Computer Glasses

Even if you don’t wear glasses regularly, you might benefit from computer glasses. We can customize a pair of computer glasses according to your workstation setup—where you sit in relation to your screen will determine the magnification power you need for relief.

Computer glasses help you see your screen without making you bend and twist into uncomfortable postures.

Special coatings for digital device users are also available. An anti-glare coating helps stave off strain, and blue-light-blocking glasses reduce exposure to blue light emitted by screens.

Our friendly staff will happily assist you in selecting the perfect pair of computer glasses.

Children & Digital Eye Strain

Kids are uniquely susceptible to digital eye strain. Millions of children are now using digital devices regularly, and they aren’t always self-aware enough to recognize vision problems. 

Often, kids use adult workstations that aren’t set up for their smaller frames, and they are less likely to reposition items to make things more comfortable.

Not only does screen time contribute to digital eye strain, but it can also encourage children to be more sedentary. Inactive lifestyles bring on plenty of health problems. It’s a good idea for parents to manage children’s use of screens and promote plenty of breaks.

Find Relief from Digital Eye Strain

We’re happy to talk through your concerns about digital device use. Please book your appointment today.

Visit One of Our Locations


We are in Westbury-1.5 miles further west from our old W. Broadway location, near Toasty Goat and the new Club Carwash

  • 725 S. Scott Blvd Suite 101
  • Columbia, MO 65203


Our Eldon location is on Oak Street, two blocks north of the post office and between North and High Street.

  • 115 N Oak St
  • Eldon, MO 65026

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