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Category: Eye Exam

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Navigating Eye Exams for Children with Autism

A trip to the optometrist’s office can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many people, but for children with autism, the challenges can be more upsetting. The sensory sensitivity and unique behavioral variations associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can make eye exams particularly challenging. Understanding Behavioral Variations Children with autism often exhibit behavioral variations that […]

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Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?

A woman is massaging her eyelids to relax the muscles from twitching.

If you’re like many other people, you’ve likely experienced eyelid twitching at some point. An eyelid twitch resolves on its own in most cases.  While the exact causes of eyelid twitching are unknown, some common factors that could be contributing include lack of sleep, stress, eye irritation, and excess caffeine intake, among others. No one […]

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Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration

a senior man sitting on a couch squints at his phone due to vision loss from macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition that can cause partial vision loss. The early symptoms are almost invisible, so regular eye exams are necessary. Some of the earliest detectable symptoms include difficulty seeing in low light, dullness of colors, and seeing blank spots in your vision. These symptoms become pronounced during the middle to […]

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Nearsighted and Farsighted: What Is the Difference?

A man using smartphone is holding his mobile phone too close on his eyes.

Being nearsighted or farsighted can cause your vision to appear blurry near or far away, depending on your prescription. These conditions will have different effects on your vision. If you are nearsighted, it means you can see objects close by clearly, but objects at a distance or further away appear blurry. If you are farsighted, […]

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Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

An optician is checking a female child's vision with possible myopia.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects may appear blurry, but close-up objects appear clear. Myopia is a common eye condition that typically starts in early childhood and may worsen as they grow older. Young children may not know how to express vision problems, especially if they’re unaware something is wrong. This is […]

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Can you get Pink Eye from a Fart? What Actually Causes Conjunctivitis?

a man rubs his infected eye, wondering if he has gotten pink eye from a fart

We’ve heard the question asked countless times: “can you get pink eye from a fart?” Farting on a pillowcase causing pink eye is a widespread myth in schoolyards and popular culture. The simple answer is no; farts don’t cause pink eye. But there’s more to it when it comes to conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation […]

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