If you suffer from eye conditions like dry eye, blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, or have aesthetic concerns, you may be wondering what options exist beyond artificial tears or prescription eye drops. Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a treatment option that can reduce inflammation, improve ocular surface health, alleviate chronic eye conditions, and improve the […]
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Dry?
Dry eyes can happen for numerous reasons. Your eyes may be dry due to an eye condition or an external source, such as chemical vapors, smoke, or cannabis. While cannabis is known to make your eyes red and dry, you may wonder if CBD, used by many for therapeutic reasons, can cause the same effect. […]
A Guide to Finding the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses
When it comes to finding the perfect pair of glasses, the lenses recommended by your optometrist are key– determined through a thorough eye exam. These lenses play a vital role in shaping your overall vision, comfort, appearance, and safety. Navigating the multitude of eyeglass lens materials and designs, along with selecting the right frames, can […]
The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Glasses Clean and Scratch-Free
Taking care of your eyeglasses is crucial for maintaining clear vision and preventing scratches on your lenses. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the proper steps to clean your glasses, highlight what not to do, and provide tips on professional eyeglass cleaning and storage. 1. Start with Clean Hands: Before you even think about […]
Understanding Eye Insurance: FAQs and Everything You Need to Know
According to the World Health Organization, every one of us can expect to experience an eye condition at some point in our lives. With more than 2 billion people in the world in need of vision correction—a number growing by the day—the importance of regular eye exams cannot be overstated. Vision insurance is meant to […]
Does Everyone Get Cataracts?
Cataracts, an eye disease characterized by the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, are a common occurrence as we grow older. Given enough time, most individuals will develop some degree of cataracts in their lifetime. However, the development and progression of cataracts depend on various risk factors, and not everyone may need surgery. Regular eye […]
Why Are My Eyes Dry When I Wake Up
A common morning occurrence for many individuals is dry eyes when waking up. If you’ve experienced the discomfort of dry eyes upon waking, you’re not alone. Dry eyes in the morning can result from nocturnal lagophthalmos, poor-quality tears, and inadequate tear production. When you visit your eye doctor for an eye exam to determine the […]
What Is the OptiLight by Lumenis & How Can It Manage Your Dry Eye?
What Is the OptiLight by Lumenis & How Can It Manage Your Dry Eye? […]
Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness?
If you’ve experienced burning, gritty, or scratchy eyes, you may have dry eye disease. This is a common—and treatable—eye condition that can lead to blurry vision, discomfort, and redness in the eyes. But can it cause blindness? In extreme cases, dry eye disease can lead to long-term vision problems if left untreated. This condition is […]
Question & Answer with Dr. Rich
As children grow, their eyes change quickly. Careful attention to a child’s eye health can help catch problems early, while their eyes are still developing. […]