Glaucoma is the “silent thief of sight” because it can develop with minimal symptoms until vision loss occurs. While glaucoma can be dangerous, an early diagnosis can help protect your vision. Your optometrist can identify early signs of glaucoma when they examine your eyes, but can you identify any warning signs of glaucoma yourself? Continue […]
What Is Orthokeratology & How Can It Help Myopia?
Having to deal with glasses or contact lenses all day can be exhausting for people with myopia. And while laser eye surgery could be effective, it’s not for everyone. What’s more, children’s eyes are still growing, so myopia control needs to go beyond simply correcting vision. Surely there must be another option. And there is! […]
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
An average eye exam can take between 30 and 60 minutes, but the time needed for your appointment can vary based on several factors, such as your eye health, overall health, and whether you’re going in for a routine checkup or to address a specific concern. Your optometrist will perform a series of tests during […]
Do Blue Light Glasses Reduce Digital Eye Strain?
As our dependency on technology increases, so too does the fatigue caused by digital eye strain. Many individuals use digital screens for work, entertainment, and other personal reasons — everyone is susceptible to developing digital eye strain if their lives involve the use of technology. At Family Focus Eyecare, we can help you combat digital […]
How Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Can Help With Dry Eye
If you suffer from temporary or chronic dry eye, you’re probably tired of the irritating and annoying symptoms that come with it. If this sounds like you, perhaps you’ve researched treatment options. The good news is, there are many different types of dry eye therapy. You may have even come across intense pulsed light (IPL) […]
Can You Wear Contacts with Astigmatism?
Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to eyeglasses for many people. They can provide flexibility and freedom to engage in various physical activities. Some conditions, however, such as astigmatism, can make it harder to wear contact lenses. Astigmatism is a common eye condition that causes blurry vision due to an irregular shape of the cornea […]
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Red?
Cannabis is being legalized in many states, and the use of cannabidiol (CBD) products continues to rise in popularity. As a result, many people are curious about CBD’s potential effects on the body, including the eyes. A common cliché is that cannabis will give you distinctive red eyes. But is that always true? The fact […]
How to Fix a Broken Glasses Arm
Picture this. The sun is out, and you’re taking a trip to the park with your family. Suddenly, a “trip” becomes all too literal as a family member gets their foot caught on uneven pavement. They’re fine, even if their knee is a little banged up. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for their glasses. […]
Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?
If you’re like many other people, you’ve likely experienced eyelid twitching at some point. An eyelid twitch resolves on its own in most cases. While the exact causes of eyelid twitching are unknown, some common factors that could be contributing include lack of sleep, stress, eye irritation, and excess caffeine intake, among others. No one […]
Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition that can cause partial vision loss. The early symptoms are almost invisible, so regular eye exams are necessary. Some of the earliest detectable symptoms include difficulty seeing in low light, dullness of colors, and seeing blank spots in your vision. These symptoms become pronounced during the middle to […]